QDT – To Text, or Not To Text: A Strategist’s Approach

I’m not dead, bitch! I am busy though. And, writing all this crap for free kind of plays second fiddle to doing other things for not free.

Economics. Learn it.

Anyway, today I’m going to talk text. Or at least one specific situation in texting.

We’ve all been in that situation where we get someone’s number after a night out, and then text to make plans. But, then we don’t hear back right away.

The perfect setup!

The perfect setup!

Anyway, you send a girl an invitation for the bacon and biscuits jamboree, and who WOULDN’T expect a girl to be all over that and text back right away? The shit is tight.

Regardless, sometimes you don’t hear back. Which brings us to our impasse:

If you text a girl with some plans and don’t hear back for a couple of days, should you text again?

If you know me in real life, you know I’m a huge opponent of having actual conversations over text. This is because I think every conversation you have over text can be had better in real life, where there’s touching and casual booby massaging involved. That, and I truly believe that a conversation by itself is not an indicator of romantic interest. Either way, if you’re wasting all of your interesting conversation over text, you can’t use it in real life without sounding like a tool.

That said, if you haven’t heard back from a girl in a couple days after texting her about upcoming plans, you should absolutely text again. Here’s why: texting her again will let you know, beyond a doubt, whether she wants to spend time with you.

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DTE – Part XII – Kino, and Indicators of Interest

What is “kino,” you ask?

It’s how pick-up communities refer to physical touching in a romantic/sexual context. A handshake, a hug, an arm around the waist, a playful punch. You know, cootie central type stuff.

Beyond that, kino is key to establishing and developing physical comfort between two people. Assuming both parties want to be physically comfortable in the first place, or are at least curious about whether they would be. Hint: if you’re on a date with someone, that person is usually curious about whether you both would be physically comfortable with each other, so make a move, jerk.

Most people follow what’s called a “kino escalation ladder,” which sorts specific instances of physical contact by their generally accepted level of intimacy. Read more of this post

DTE – Part XI – Preselection, Deselection, and “Fairness” in the Dating Game

Every person on this earth has an opinion about you from the first moment they see or hear about you, and it goes from there.

Women included.

This is why we do things like dress nicely (or not), speak nicely (or not), and avoid picking our noses in public (or not).

Let that sink in. Everyone has an opinion about you.

Someone’s opinion of you, right now. He may or may not operate a dating advice website, and be named Vichet.

This is actually an awesome thing, because people’s opinions are very easy to make positive.

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Quick Dating Tips – 5 Useful Things You Learn From Video Games Applied to Dating

“But Vichet,” you protest, “nerds don’t get laid!”

Nerds? Why you gotta label everything? Racist.

“What?” you ask.

Yeah, we’re moving on.

So, if you were like me, when you were growing up, you spent all the time that girls were ignoring you by playing video games.

Where she at?

Forever alone…

So, that was most of the time.

Womp womp.

But, contrary to what every parent ever will tell you, while you were playing all those video games and trying to figure out what you could say to a girl to get her to touch your penis, you were ACTUALLY learning a few handy-dandy skills that could help you in dating and life!

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Quick Dating Tips – 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Try to “Build Attraction” Over Text, Email, or Chat

I’ve seen some hilariously bad advice centered around “text game” – the idea that you can get a woman interested in you, and build her interest, through texting her.

Now, theoretically, this is possible.

In the same way that, theoretically, if I immortal and were to continuously clap my hands together for eternity, that the winds of earth would eventually reach my resonant frequency of claps and the resulting vibrations would tear the world apart.

What have I done?!

What have I done?!

So, yeah, a lot of things are possible in theory.

Seducing a woman through text is one of those things.

So without further ado, here are 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Try to “Build Attraction” Over Text, Email, or Chat.

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